For the fourth time, No.3 Gin was crowned ‘World’s Best Gin’ at the International Spirits Challenge on Wednesday. The London Dry Gin, created by Berry Bros. & Rudd, also snapped up the prestigious Supreme Champion Spirit Award – an accolade usually awarded to whisky brands, making this the first time that a gin has been crowned the overall spirits winner and completely shaking up the competition.
For No.3, the ISC medals come as the brand unveils a stylish, refreshed positioning and bottle that encapsulates the same, flawless liquid inside. It’s gin, just as it should be – driven by passion, precision and excellence.
Lizzy Rudd, Executive Chairperson at Berry Bros & Rudd, said: “We’re absolutely delighted with the result; winning an ISC award is a hugely impressive achievement, and to be crowned overall spirit of the year is incredibly exciting. We’re passionate in our pursuit to offer No.3 as a beacon of undisputed quality within the congested world of gin and excited for consumers to discover the new bottle in October.”
Now in its twenty-fourth year, the International Spirits Challenge is the premier event in promoting outstanding quality spirits from across the globe. The competition receives more than 1,700 entries from nearly 70 countries worldwide.
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