Brands in bathroom and toilet cleaning can focus more strongly on promoting a ‘healthy’ bathroom in the widest sense, in terms of germ-free surfaces, better air quality and improving people’s emotional wellbeing by making the bathroom a sanctuary that appeals to the senses. Latest research into cleaning the bathroom reveals the market will continue to focus on convenient product formats. These can help to encourage a shared approach to bathroom cleaning and more daily cleaning after baths or showers to reduce time spent on the weekly clean but also maximise sales.

chazValue sales of multipurpose cleaners that are mostly used in the bathroom (and kitchen) were flat in 2014, but sales of antibacterial variants grew strongly, suggesting more consumers are switching to surface cleaners that kill germs.

Spending on bathroom and shower cleaners dipped slightly in 2014, although shower cleaners, which account for 16% of the total, saw an increase in sales, signifying further opportunities for brands offering daily shower cleaners.

A large proportion of products sold are focused on toilet cleaning that is generally done more frequently than cleaning other parts of the bathroom, and while sales of bleach increased slightly, neither bleach nor toilet care could maintain the growth of 2013.

Two strong-performing smaller categories in 2014 were drain care and mould and mildew removers, with NPD activity in these areas successfully tapping into common bathroom problems needing solutions.

Accorging to exclusive consumer research, seven in 10 people live in a home with only one bathroom, while 58% of homes with five or more people have to share one bathroom, emphasising the need for frequent cleaning. On balance, people are taking more showers per week and fewer baths, suggesting room for growth in shower cleaning.

A clean bathroom is seen as one that is free of germs and bacteria, looks clean in terms of being rid of grime, dirt and dust, and smells fresh, emphasising three key elements for brands in bathroom/toilet cleaners to focus on.

Getting rid of visible dirt or stains is of widest importance for bathroom cleaning, but significantly more people make keeping surfaces and fittings free from germs their number one priority, in line with the connection made between a clean bathroom and good health.

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