range-cutout-all-correctWhilst at first glance there might be little to link Vancouver with Willaston in Cheshire, this is all about to change. North America’s favourite certified organic cereal supplier has agreed to become this year’s official sponsor of the World Worm Charming Championships.

The 31st World Worm Charming Championships provide the perfect tribute to Lumbricus Terrestris, which we Brits refer to as the common earthworm (and Canadians refer to as the Dew Worm).

The partnership makes perfect sense for Canada’s friendliest, family-owned cereal producer that is increasing its presence in the UK this year with its colourfully packaged, 5-strong portfolio of flax-themed flakes, Maple Syrup & Hazelnut Harmony, Ginger & Cashew Commotion, Red Berry & Coconut Harvest, Pumpkin & Raisin Huddle and Apple & Cinnamon Orchard which has been tasked with bringing some much needed non-corporate pizzazz to the UK’s historically sombre flakes aisle.

With a strong accent on fun, the annual Cheshire-based event fits perfectly with Arran’s Stephen’s (Nature’s Path founder) heartfelt belief that a commitment to long-term sustainable farming means one must ‘Always leave the soil in a better way than you found it,’ a feat that these incredible biological pistons certainly achieve when aerating and mixing the soil. Indeed, such is their importance to the wider environment that Charles Darwin once wrote, ‘It may be doubted whether there are many other animals which have played so important a part in the history of the world, as have these lowly organized creatures.’

June 26th will see the latest round of banging, tapping and stabbing the ground with garden forks as participants use all manner of methods (twanging, fiddling, grunting, tap-dancing and occasionally playing the cello) to entice Cheshire’s most sought after worms to the surface.

Working within a tight 3m plot and with only thirty minutes on the clock, Britain’s finest worm charmers will have to go some to beat the current world record of 567 worms that was set only last year, although there is second prize rewarded to whoever entices the heaviest worm to the surface (current record is 6.6g).

Nature’s Path is understandably extremely excited about such a prestigious association with one of the UK’s most entertaining weekends of the year and hopes that they in turn can do their bit to honour the bold ungrudging efforts of the Great British earthworm.

Nature’s Path


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