Micro snacks are a must stock for retailers looking to meet shopper demand for easy-to-prepare ‘big night in’ hot food.
“When it comes to a night in, people are time sensitive. They want food and drink that can be prepared and served quickly and conveniently and that’s where micro-snacks such as marketleading Rustlers come into their own,” says Stuart Meikle, Channel Director of Kepak Convenience Foods.

“At the same time, they’re not prepared to compromise on taste or quality. Quick-to-cook Rustlers satisfies both demands. The range is ideally suited to a night in as all Rustlers products can be prepared in less time than it takes to boil a kettle, set up a board game or wait for a blockbuster to download.”

Growing numbers of retailers are now using Rustlers as an integral part of a night in meal deal. “It’s easy to boost the big night in spend by offering customers complementary hot or cold snacks and drinks as part of meal deal.

They’re easy to manage, guaranteed to increase sales and offer shoppers the value they’re seeking,” adds Meikle.


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