Some 70 years ago I would be taken across Sheffield with Mum & Dad on our weekly Saturday night pilgrimage to Grandma Kate’s back to back terrace house and every Saturday night Grandma Kate would serve us with a ‘stew’ incorporating Henderson’s relish.

So much of a staple did this become in the Twigg family diet that when my son emigrated to Australia in the 80’s, two bottles of ‘Henderson’s’ were stowed away in his luggage.

Who would have guessed all those years ago that National Flexible would be supplying the packaging film for the unique Sheffield relish. These are stick packs for inclusion in award winning recipe boxes.

Grandma was within a mile of the original Henderson’s factory, where the relish was produced for nearly 130 years, and whilst the company has now moved to new modern premises in Sheffield, the ‘secret recipe’ for Henry Henderson’s relish remains, meaning it still has that unique taste which brings back memories of all those years ago.

Barry Twigg, Chairman, National Flexible

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