More retailers are realising they should be stocking more healthy snacking lines as well as the traditionally known.
The positioning of sweets and snacks at the tills was a widespread phenomenon in the UK, and was frequently the cause of much nagging by children as families waiting in the queue to pay for their groceries. Parents more often than not give in to their children, with the result that young people are eating far more sweets, chocolates, crisps and soft drinks than are good for them.
Healthy snacking habits are learned early in childhood and have lifelong lasting effects. However, it’s never too late to try to break a child’s junk-food habits,
Kids often craze for the latest snack food, which may well be heavily advertised as a healthy choice, despite advertising claims, these products may not be the healthiest snack choices. As children strive for independence in their teens, their food intake becomes less supervised. This age group tends to eat more snacks and fewer regular meals. Therefore, retailers need to play a major role in helping distinguish between healthy and unhealthy snacks.
Transparently good
California Raisins supplied all year round makes them a reliable and consistent snack; 100% natural, 100% Sun-Dried, 100% Ready to Use, 100% California Raisins
California Grower and packers invest highly in the quality of its fruit and the Raisin Administrative Committee work tirelessly in getting the message across about the health benefits and other attributes. California raisins provide peace of mind for buyers and customers by consistently producing a clean, safe, rich tasting product from the world’s foremost raisin producing region.
The RAC are passionate about working with Britain’s retailers to promote existing and new snacking products featuring California raisins.
“We’re committed to supporting our trade partners who use California raisins,” says Peter Meadows, “and giving consumers the best possible choice.
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