Kikkoman, the world-leading manufacturer of soy sauce, is using the Chinese New Year celebration to kick-start its 2014 marketing campaign, which includes money-off coupons and a text to win promotion, a retailer hot sampling exercise, in-store support and a far reaching print and digital media campaign.


Bing-yu Lee, Manager of Kikkoman UK, says:  “Chinese New Year begins on the 31st January and is the next big celebratory occasion post-Christmas. The festival lasts for 15 days and has really grown in popularity across cities in the UK with lots of activity in communities, homes and shops. This year we have targeted all areas to ensure that Kikkoman Soy Sauce boosts its presence and authority both in and out of store at this key time for oriental cuisine.”

On 2nd February a dedicated promotions team will be handing out red envelopes to consumers attending Chinese New Year celebrations in central London – red envelopes symbolise good luck and good wishes in Chinese culture and traditionally contain money. Inside the red Kikkoman envelopes will be a guaranteed reward of a 50p or £1 off coupon, or a free bottle from across the Kikkoman range, valid in all the major multiples until 16th February 2014. Plus the envelopes will also contain a text to win prize draw promotion (no purchase necessary), with one prize of £1,000 cash plus 100 Kikkoman calendars to generate further excitement at the start of the New Year.

Retail support during this period includes hot sampling with chicken marinated in Kikkoman Teriyaki in selected Sainsbury’s, Morrisons recipe cards, plus online banner activity on Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Waitrose websites. There is also a new recipe web video on

Mr Lee continues: “We are pleased to be making a big noise about this important ethnic festival which is becoming more and more mainstream each year. Soy sauce is an essential ingredient and Kikkoman is brewed for several months using just four ingredients which results in a superior taste that not only elevates the taste of stir fries and marinades, but is also perfect for seasoning Western dishes such as cottage pie. Our aim this Chinese New Year is to reach new consumers by persuading them to add a splash of Kikkoman in their everyday cooking.”


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