Add smiles to the school run this September with a little help from Bach™ and RESCUE®

A NEW survey* of school children has found the most common back to school concerns for youngsters is their relationships with classmates and teachers. As the summer break ends 38% spend time thinking about making (and keeping) new friends and 17% contemplate who will be sitting next to them in class. 31% wonder about what their new teacher will be like whilst 8% worry where their new classroom will be.

A mere 5% of children surveyed said they were excited about starting back at school, with girls (7%) proving slightly more enthusiastic than boys (3%). Luckily there is help at hand in the lead up to that nerve racking first day when emotions are running high.

The first day back at school is a big day so parents should have a secret weapon against tiny tears on standby in the school run bag.

RESCUE® Gummy Stars – The latest addition to the RESCUE brand come in fun star shapes to help turn a frown upside down at the school gates and each Gummy Star contains four drops of RESCUE, the famous soothing combination of five flower essences.

RESCUE Gummy Stars contain no artificial sweeteners and come in a yummy natural orange flavour. They are suitable for children over two years old. Rescue Gummy Stars cost £6.95 from Boots, independent pharmacies and health food stores. For more information, please visit For enquiries, please call 0800 289 515.

*RESCUE school survey conducted by Carrick James Market Research. Interview of 216 kids between four and ten years old during December 2011.

Nelsons is the UK’s leading manufacturer of natural healthcare products, with a long-standing commitment to supplying the highest quality natural healthcare products that meet all regulatory and quality standards. Their brands are recognised and sold in over 60 countries worldwide and include Rescue®, Bach™ Original Flower Remedies, Arnicare®, Teetha®, Nelsons® Homeopathy, Spatone® and Nelsons Pure & Clear®.


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