Pink Lady® has donated 150,000 apples to FareShare, the UK’s biggest charity fighting hunger and food waste, in a tie-in with its family-friendly PinKids® apples.

In support of the FareShare donation and the brand’s ongoing work with the charity, packs of PinKids® apples in Aldi stores nationwide will highlight the partnership between November and January, with the strapline “Share the Wow”.

PinKids® are smaller Pink Lady® apples which are the perfect size for children’s snacks and lunchboxes.

The packs communicate to consumers that their purchase of the lunchbox favourite is helping contribute to the donation of apples to FareShare as part of Pink Lady®’s ongoing partnership with the charity, which was established at the height of the pandemic in 2020 when FareShare’s services had never been in such high demand.

The donation of 150,000 apples from Pink Lady® – which was facilitated in summer 2023 – has been distributed amongst FareShare’s charity network, helping supply food to more than 600 individual charities. These charities include 39 working with people experiencing homelessness, 14 supporting asylum seekers and refugees, 136 working with children and young people and 27 older people’s community groups.

Emma Brown, Commercial Manager at FareShare, said: “Nutritious food is absolutely vital to health and wellbeing, and it’s sadly in short supply for many families and individuals who are living in food insecurity in the UK. We work with a broad network of charities that are in need of food donations, and these demands are increasing against a difficult economic backdrop. Pink Lady® and their licensees have been regular supporters of FareShare and it’s great to receive this donation of fresh fruit which is so appreciated by the charities who receive it.”

Lynn Shaw, Senior Marketing and Communications Manager at Pink Lady® UK said: “We are proud to be working with FareShare in support of the extensive donations they make possible for so many charities in the UK. Our ongoing support of FareShare has become one of the pillars of our Pink Lady® Cares initiative and we’re committed to providing our apples to individuals and families who may otherwise go without healthy, fresh produce.

“We’d like to give a special thanks to all of our licensee partners who have helped us make this donation happen.”

FareShare accepts all categories of good-to-eat food from a variety of organisations. Fresh produce brands can easily redistribute surplus stock to FareShare, and the team are always happy to work within the operational needs of donors to make the process as simple and sustainable as possible.

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