GT – What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
Not knowing what is round the corner. It really is an emotional rollercoaster but as long as the rollercoaster is heading in the right direction the prospects for growth and success are super exciting.

GT – Who’s inspired you most in your career?
I am cringing writing this but joining Vita Coco in 2014 was a real turning point for me in seeing a world through the lense of F&B brands. Giles Brook, our mentor, definitely led the charge in driving that turning point.
GT – If you were an item in a supermarket, what would you be?
I would be a rotisserie chicken.
GT – If you had to do it all over again, what would you do different?
If I had to do it all over again, I probably would not have gone to uni and cracked on with working life, although it’s very easy to forget the great times that came with that too.
GT –What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at work?
A chair giving way when leaning back on it while talking to 40 people.
GT –Who or what makes you laugh?
I have a really poor sense of humour – to give an example of the sort of thing that really cracks me up, Ace Ventura Pet Detective and Austin Powers are a go to if I want to have a chuckle.
GT – Do you have any hidden talents?
A master of capital cities in Europe and a former grade 8 trumpeteer.
GT –Who would be your favourite party guest?
Alan from the Hangover.
GT –What is the greatest luxury in your life?
Running – I am genuinely so greatful to have the luxury of being able to run. Its how I recover mentally and physically. I LOVE running.
GT –What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
Tea with chocolate digestives to dip in it.
GT – Do you have any secret ambitions?
If I am ever in a position to do so, I would love to find a way to put a roof over every person’s head in the UK. Being homeless is something that has always struck me to the core and I would love to help those people who have to sleep rough.
GT – What’s your dream holiday destination?
Sri Lanka – beautiful, peaceful and belting food.
GT – What are your three favourite movies of all time?
Ace Ventura, Austin Powers and Notting Hill.
GT – What is your favourite book of all time?
I am not a massive reader and prefer to listen to audiobooks or watch TED talks but “7 habits of highly effective people” had a massive impact on me.
GT – What’s your favourite pastime?
Working on the farm for Harvest every summer with Ember brother Jack and our four mates.
GT – If you won the Lottery, what would you do?
Make sure I was all sorted and then create a charity to make a difference to the homeless in the UK.
GT –What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into this industry?
100% do, do it. This is far and away the best industry to be in. It comes with everything that one could want in a job. Most importantly though – work doesn’t feel like work. Everyday is different, it’s not just a 9-5 job it’s a 24-7 job with no limits.
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