These are exciting times for Nature’s Store, the Free From product range that prides itself on its maxim of not compromising on taste. They offer a host of taste sensations in different product sectors without prejudicing important dietary and nutritional criteria.
This is hardly surprising when you learn that Craig Sammells, their recently appointed Marketing Director, is himself gluten intolerant. Craig not only has 10 years valuable experience in the Food & Drink industry but he also knows from personal experience just how limiting and frustrating it can be finding products that are right for his condition but also provide him with the taste sensations that he, and everyone else, quite rightly expects.
“Like so many others, it took me years to discover the root cause of my health issues but now I am delighted that I am able to play a part in a company that is at the forefront of changing things for the better for so many people”.
“Nature’s Store has made huge strides in a short period of time and we are always looking to expand our product offering – all of which are gluten free and, where appropriate, wheat free, GM free, dairy free and preservative free. However, we are determined to do this without compromising on taste”, says Craig.
“All the market research indicates that the Free From product sector will continue to benefit from double digit growth as more and more of the population become aware of what constitutes a healthy diet that is right for them”, he concludes.
The Nature’s Store product offering includes gluten free soups that are also wheat free and dairy free, a wide range of corn and rice cakes many of which have chocolate and caramel coatings, bread sticks and crackers, and, a particular favourite, coconut bars that are gluten free, wheat free, dairy free and GM free.
“All too often, in the Free From sector, the consumer has to settle for a second class taste sensation”, contends Sammells. “We would back all our products to rise above these standards – just try our gluten free mini bread sticks and cheese crackers for starters”, he continues.
To maintain this momentum Nature’s Store are launching a tasty new treat at this year’s Allergy & Free From Show – Organic Chocolate Rice Cakes in three pack sizes to suit all occasions.
These crispy Chocolate Rice Cakes are made from wholegrain rice coated in luxurious organic milk chocolate – gluten free, wheat free and GM-free – and, at 83 cals per cake, they make an ideal snack that is also easy on the conscience!
The Organic Chocolate Rice Cakes are available in multi packs of eight (4 duo packs in each), stand alone duo packs and, for those who want to share the taste sensation, there are also bags of individual mini rice cakes that you can dip into at anytime!
“It is estimated that some children rely on getting a third of their calorie/nutrient intake through snacking and busy adults also rely a great deal on this form of “eating on the go”. It is therefore a market that deserves our attention and we feel we have a range of products that can meet these demands”, concludes Sammells.
UK Distributor Sherriffs Foods specialise in the Free From sector and their management team has a wealth of experience of working with a number of leading brands in this market sector.
The company is also the distributor for Kelkin, Amaizin, Scott Farms Sweet Potato Chips and Darling Spuds.
Based in Towcester in Northamptonshire, the Nature’s Store product range benefits from national distribution.
Sherriffs Foods
Craig Sammells
Tel: 01327 358577
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