Specialist ecommerce, sales and marketing company Hemingways Marketing Services Ltd (HMS), whose client portfolio includes Cadbury, Green & Black’s, Debenhams and John Lewis, discusses its exponential growth since deploying the Realex Payments solution in 2007.
Transacting nearly £32 million in 2013, HMS has seen a 611% increase in transaction volume and a 405% increase in transaction value over the past 7 years without any impact on service. A newly published case study attributes this growth to Realex Payments’ capacity to scale its systems to meet HMS’s requirements.
Andrew Johnson, Managing Director at HMS, says: “Realex Payments’ capacity to scale has not only helped HMS as the business has grown but also enabled us to maximise online revenues during peak trading times. During December our processing volumes are more than double those in other months. Downtime is never acceptable in the retail world, coping with these peak traffic times is absolutely vital in keeping customers happy and sales flowing. Robust processing systems and Realex Payments’ capacity to cope with these dramatic traffic increases is where this partnership has really excelled.”
Andrew Johnson continues: “Fraud prevention is vital to protect both our customer’s card details and our business from any financial consequences. Our main issue was that customers weren’t being properly directed through the necessary fraud prevention processes. With customers not completing this process, the liability for fraud was not shifting to the card schemes.This left us vulnerable to potential chargeback fines and fees that would’ve been damaging to the business.”
In addition to scalability the case study highlights Realex Payments’ ability to keep pace with consumers changing habits and provide insights into customer trends which have played an instrumental role in helping HMS reduce its susceptibility to fraud.
Andrew Yoakley Head of Business Development at Realex Payments, adds: “HMS work with top brands who have high expectations. Service is paramount so they require a reliable payments partner that has the capacity to provide seamless transactions at all times. Our ‘RealScore’ solution is an effective fraud scoring tool that provides HMS with valuable data on customer behaviours and patterns relating to payment transactions. The detailed analysis it provides has allowed HMS to cut chargeback rates and improve their complete fraud prevention strategy. It forms a critical part of our service and has helped ensure that we have enjoyed along and successful relationship with HMS.”
Realex Payments
+44 (0) 20 3178 53700
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