More than 170 companies from throughout the industry were in attendance at the GroceryAid Ball on 28th February 2019, raising more than £580k for the charity.
The funds raised at the event will provide over 775 crisis grants for working colleagues in the months to come.
Andy Higginson, Chairman of Morrisons and GroceryAid President kicked off the event and told those in attendance that “GroceryAid will assist over 15,000 of our grocery colleagues financially or through our Helpline in 2019.” Higginson also shared that “demand for support from the charity is growing fast, something that is hardly surprising in the tough times the industry are all trading through.”
Steve Barnes, Chief Executive of GroceryAid said; “As we enter another challenging year for the industry we need to grow the funds we raise and ensure the industry is with us on this journey Tonight the range of companies attending shows that support for GroceryAid has never been broader and the grocery trade is united to help colleagues past and present who find themselves in difficulty.”
Next year’s GroceryAid Ball will take place on the 5th March 2020. For enquiries please contact or call 01252 875925.
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