i-Chef.biz has launched. This “Little Black Book” of quality products and services is an invaluable resource for chefs and caterers at all levels looking to connect, network or share news, views and useful information. At last, there’s an online community that has been created for hospitality professionals – a website that directly connects chefs with recommended suppliers and provides an opportunity to share culinary tips and relevant industry news. Whether searching for the freshest fish, interesting cuts of meat, exotic fruits and ingredients, whether seeking recommendations from respected peers or simply looking for inspiration, log on to www.i-Chef.biz for reliable, up-to-date information.
To ensure excellence the i-Chef.biz panel – a group of highly regarded industry leaders – endorses the quality credentials of all providers and shares some of its own secrets! The panel includes Mark Hix, Giorgio Locatelli, Terry Laybourne, Mark Edwards, Duncan Palmer and Brian Mills.
i-Chef.biz has been created by leading hospitality professionals David Dorricott together with Anton Edelmann, who recognise the importance of having access to valuable information from trustworthy sources.
Founder David Dorricott says “There’s nothing like i-Chef.biz available for people working in our industry. What we are creating is an essential resource that saves time and money, but most importantly provides an all-encompassing platform of information that is trusted.”
To be on the inside track for the latest information from the hospitality world go to www.i-Chef.biz and join the community.
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