HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire, Helen Nellis, has paid a visit to Manor Concepts in Sandy as part of her role as business ambassador for Bedfordshire. The company is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of innovative solutions for refrigerated retail display cabinets and associated equipment.
Manor Concepts, operates as two trading divisions – Manor Refrigerated Cabinets and coolsuredoors. Manor Refrigerated Cabinets supplies a wide range of refrigerated display cabinets for food and drink retailers and coolsuredoors is a specialist door manufacturer for retail chiller cabinets.
As part of its service, Manor Concepts also provides extensive project management capabilities to oversee the design, build and installation processes.
The Lord-Lieutenant met Managing Director Michael Tucker, Commercial Director David Wright and Operations Director Martin Corken, who took her on a tour of the show room, factory and new test laboratory.
Speaking after the facilities tour which included demonstrations of the technology, the Lord-Lieutenant said: “I was highly impressed by the level of creativity and innovation that I experienced during my tour. It is wonderful to see such successful businesses choosing to locate and remain in Bedfordshire. Mr. Tucker has put a great deal of work into galvanizing local companies into boosting business improvement and developing the local environment, which will play a key role in attracting new business to the area, enabling other enterprises to benefit from the geographic, transport and workforce bonuses that are a feature of Bedfordshire.”
Michael Tucker commented: “It was encouraging to be chosen to receive a visit from the Lord-Lieutenant. Helen Nellis is an experienced businesswoman who, in her position as Bedfordshire Business Ambassador, takes an active role in promoting up and coming Bedfordshire SMEs, like ourselves.”
Mr. Tucker went on to say: “Our company intends to play a very active part in the planned ‘Business Improvement District’ which aims to support the regeneration and development of the Middlefield Industrial Estate. This in turn will benefit the current businesses and encourage new enterprises to join us.
“Given the great support from Central Bedfordshire Council, this now looks like a real possibility and I’m sure that in the future we will all reap the benefits of this initiative.”
Manor Refrigerated Cabinets and coolsuredoors operate as trading divisions of Manor Concepts Limited.
Founded in 1996, Manor Concepts operates from a modern manufacturing facility in South East England.
Manor Concepts Limited
Tel: 01767 222100
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