The retail landscape is forever evolving, with new retailers entering the market every year. Between 2022 and 2023, the UK saw over 800,000 new businesses created. With so much competition on the high street, it is imperative that retailers look at ways to stay ahead of the curve in order to thrive.

There are many ways that retailers can achieve this, and for many businesses with physical stores, the way they display their products, pricing and information is key. One particular solution available to retailers is ESL Data Strips. Coupled with electronic shelf-edge labels, have the potential to reshape the way retailers operate, providing an efficient, modern solution to pricing and product information display, writes Charles Bedford, Managing Director at Harrison.

ESLs in the international retail landscape

ESLs have been a staple in retail establishments across Europe for quite some time, but their adoption in the UK and globally is gaining momentum. Leading grocers have initiated trials or deployed electronic shelf-edge labels across their stores, drawn by the undeniable advantages of a system that allows prices to be updated instantly. This dynamic pricing capability not only saves time but also offers flexibility in responding to market changes swiftly.

More than just labels

Electronic shelf-edge labels convey comprehensive product information in a concise and easily readable format. Unlike traditional paper tickets, ESLs can accommodate extensive data, enabling retailers to provide customers with valuable details about products, promotions, and nutritional information. This enhances the overall shopping experience and empowers consumers to make informed choices.

Certain advanced ESL systems are able to optimise inventory management by guiding employees through the picking and packing process for online orders. These systems illuminate a clear route, streamlining the fulfilment process and reducing errors, which is especially crucial in the booming e-commerce sector.

ESLs prevail despite challenges

The adoption of shelf edge technology in the UK has not been without its challenges. The prohibitive cost of implementing such systems across large retail estates with hundreds of stores has been an obstacle for some. Despite this, ESLs are gradually gaining ground in the UK market, driven by the evident advantages they offer. Retailers are recognising the long-term benefits of reducing manual price changes, improving accuracy, and enhancing the shopping experience for their customers. As the technology evolves and becomes more accessible, it is only a matter of time before ESLs become a standard feature in UK stores.

Cementing a customer-centric future

Electronic Shelf-Edge Labels, complemented by ESL Data Strips, are already starting to revolutionise the retail landscape in the UK and beyond. The ability to swiftly adjust prices, provide comprehensive product information, and streamline operations make ESLs an indispensable tool for retailers looking to stay competitive in a dynamic market. While challenges remain, the momentum behind ESL adoption suggests that these innovative labels are here to stay, promising a more efficient and customer-centric future for retail businesses.


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