The actions of employees at work are the most frequent source of all workplace injuries and are most commonly caused by rushing, frustration, fatigue and complacency. In 2010, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) revealed that 233,000 reportable injuries occurred and 28.5 million working days were lost due to workplace injury and work-related ill health. It was also revealed that these were most frequent in the industrial sectors[1]
DuPont Sustainable Solutions believes all workplace illnesses and injuries that have been recognised can be prevented. The unique safety awareness programme, SafeStart® , and the safety training observation programme, DuPont™ STOP™, have been successfully reducing injuries for many years.
Over 2000 organisations across the world have adopted the SafeStart® programme, including a global beer and spirits manufacturing company based in Dublin, Ireland. SafeStart® was chosen because of its excellent fit for the workforce, both culturally and because it didn’t just focus on conventional safety risks but also addressed complacency about safety, root behaviours and staff wellbeing too.
The SafeStart® programme helps employees improve safety awareness by understanding the four critical states and four critical errors that cause most injuries. By first understanding the root causes behind mistakes and errors, such as rushing, frustration, fatigue and complacency, the SafeStart® programme gives employees the tools to keep safety in mind – even when they are under pressure. The programme is based on the idea that one’s own actions contribute to the vast majority of all incidents and injuries and builds up the employees awareness of the state-to-error risk pattern by giving them skills and techniques to reduce these errors.
Since its inception, SafeStart® customers across more than 7,000 sites worldwide have typically reported reducing injuries by 50 to 90 percent. Having a large workforce undertaking diverse tasks in addition to health and safety risks specific to the drinks manufacturing industry, the SafeStart® programme was deemed to be ideal, not only because of its unique approach to safety and staff wellbeing, but also because of the ability to customise the modules to suit the company’s own hazards. Following the introduction of SafeStart® the site has had a remarkable safety performance and surpassed records by achieving its first 12 month accident-free period. The feedback received from the workforce was so positive that the decision was taken to implement the SafeStart® programme across further plants owned by the company.
To date, more than 190,000 training professionals in 129 countries have relied on Training Solutions from DuPont Sustainable Solutions to help protect workers, boost productivity and improve profitability and workshops on the programmes are available in various delivery formats to suit the facility’s budget, organisational structure and employees’ learning preferences.
For more information on each of the DuPont Sustainable Solution training programmes, the workshops and the webinars, visit or call 0800 169 3084.
Source: [1] The Health & Safety Executive, Annual Statistics Report (2009/2010)
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