GT – What’s the most exciting thing about your job?
I get to play with very fun colours and flavours and promotions, all whilst knowing it is changing the perception of frozen drinks. By innovating in a very fun and enjoyable product you can be confident and get excited about everything.

GT – Who’s inspired you most in your career?
My mother has always given her all to her work with a smile on her face. From a young age I learned you have to work hard but you could enjoy it at the same time, and I like to think I bring that drive and enthusiasm every day to Polar Krush.
GT – If you were an item in a supermarket, what would you be?
Chocolate Spread. Something fun that brings a regular meal to life!
GT – If you had to do it all over again, what would you do different?
Take more risks. At the time they always seem such a concern but when you look back, you either succeeded or learnt. Either way you won.
GT – What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you at work?
Torn my pants right up the back while picking up a box… On two separate occasions!
GT – Who or what makes you laugh?
My kids make me laugh every day. They don’t mean to, but they crack me up!
GT – Do you have any hidden talents?
Is being able to fall asleep anywhere, no matter how loud my surroundings are, a talent?
GT – Who would be your favourite party guest?
Paul Gascoigne. I am a big football fan and would love to hear his stories.
GT – What is the greatest luxury in your life?
My own TV for watching the football without having to watch kids programmes or a reality TV show.
GT – What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
FIFA 18 – I play it once my son has gone to bed and tell him I am doing it to improve his team but really it is because I am practising. He is 7 and beats me every time!
GT – Do you have any secret ambitions?
I want to complete the New York Marathon. I am not in the shape for it but would love to train for it and do it.
GT – What’s your dream holiday destination?
Anywhere hot with the family that has good food and wine.
GT – What are your three favourite movies of all time?
Godfather 2, Godfather 1 and Anchorman.
GT – What is your favourite book of all time?
Whatever I read last is always my favourite – right now that is ‘The Psychopath Test’ by John Ronson.
GT –What’s your favourite pastime?
I like to run. I get out and destress by myself down to the beach. I don’t do it as much as I would like.
GT – If you won the Lottery, what would you do?
The school run more!
GT –What would be your advice to someone thinking about coming into this industry (apart from “don’t do it”)?
Push boundaries. Too many people try and just do the same with a different picture on the machine. Truly push the market and the competition to be better! Selling something the same as others is no fun!
At Polar Krush, we manufacture and distribute frozen drinks systems. We have just launched our mouthwatering range of sugar free recipes, naturally sweetened with stevia and, as they already contain natural flavours and colours, our customers can now offer the ultimate guilt-free drinks experience!
We supply our customers with free on loan machines which have the most advanced technology in the market – they freeze down quicker, are more energy efficient and look completely professional. What’s more, they’re fitted with our unique Remote Kare technology, so our fabulous customer service and engineering staff can help you keep your machine running.
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