There are a lot of things to consider when setting up, organising and running a food storage warehouse. We hope to make the experience as stress-free as possible for you with these handy tips:
• Consider the conditions
Before you even begin to consider populating your food warehouse with produce, you should take the time to ensure the conditions are just right.
To ensure food stays fresh for as long as possible, the temperature inside a storeroom should always hover between 50 degrees F and 70 degrees F.
Meanwhile, the facility’s humidity level should never increase above 15 per cent – you can easily maintain this figure by investing in hi-tech air conditioning or dehumidification equipment.
Furthermore, exposing food to direct sunlight all day long is sure to have a detrimental impact on your stock. This is because the rays enhance the effects of oxidation, which causes the nutritional value and quality of food to drop substantially. As such, lights in a warehouse will prove a wiser investment in the long term than lots of windows.
• Apply a winning formation of your food
A victorious football team is usually the one with the better tactics on the field. Similarly, the formula for success in food storage warehouses centres on formatting items correctly within the facility.
When bringing food into your warehouse for the first time, it is vital that you place all meat and meat dishes below any other produce. This is so that meat juices are unable to drip onto other items of food and contaminate them.
It goes without saying that dry food should never be stored on a floor though. A good measurement is to keep these items at least six inches off the ground, which can be achieved by purchasing sturdy hygienic shelving units, such as those stocked at A&B Industrial Services. The fact that many of these shelves feature numerous levels should also make it easy to keep different types of food separated.
• Don’t forget to rotate
It is a simple fact of life; food will get worse the longer it is left in storage. As a result, it is important that you are regularly rotating your stock so that the older, though of course in-date, items are sold or used first.
Unless you manage to get a great deal on food which has a shorter use-by date than the items you already have in stock – always place the newest items to the back of a shelf or storage unit and make sure that every staff member in a food warehouse applies the first in, first out rule.
A&B Industrial Services
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