- Asda’s Community Tracker[1] reveals the main benefits of having access to safe community spaces is to reduce loneliness and isolation, and helping people integrate and connect together. 2
- 85% of Asda customers stated that having access to safe outside space makes a positive difference to the mental health of people in their community. 3
- Since 2022, The Asda Foundation have donated over 2.5 million to improving local community spaces across the UK.4
Today, The Asda Foundation has announced up to £500,000 of funding to help transform and improve community spaces across the UK. Grants awarded will be between £500 and £3,000 and are aimed at helping grassroots groups improve or transform their local outdoor community spaces. The grants, which are open from the 14th of January, are one of four themed quarterly grant rounds that are based on insight from the Asda Community Tracker*. The Tracker highlighted the support the areas / needs that communities are telling us are most important to them in 2025.
Throughout the year, the grant rounds will focus on funding to help reduce loneliness and isolation and bring people together, funding to improve and transform indoor and outdoor community spaces where people can meet and feel part of their community and essential support for foodbanks and other organisations who are always there to support their communities with essentials in difficult times.
The funding can be used to transform an outdoor area, creating greener and more engaging community spaces. Create or enhance community growing projects or enable community clean ups.
Karl Doyle, Chair of the Asda Foundation, says: “Over the last year, our research has consistently told us that local communities are seeking better access to safe and accessible public spaces. We know that being outdoors has a positive impact on health and wellbeing, and that that bringing people together to be part of a group and community makes a significant difference to people’s lives. This grant provides funding support for groups to do just this, and we know that it will also help build community connections and pride in communities across the UK.’’
1. The Community Tracker is a regular survey circulated by Asda and The Asda Foundation, shared with Asda customers, colleagues and community groups. The Tracker gathers insights into the key issues facing communities at any given time and aid the funding decisions of The Asda Foundation.
2. The Community Tracker, Wave 14 D50.
3. The Community Tracker, Wave 15, D57.
4. Asda Foundation Investing in Places & Spaces Funding was launched in 2022 and since then the Asda Foundation has donated over £2.5m for local groups to improve and develop their community spaces. (Actual amount donated 2022, 2023 & 2024 combined is £2,541,348)
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