The Publication For The Grocery Trade
Additional Heinz Grocery displays bring increased sales & prizes

Retailers can boost their sales of grocery products by up to 24% by creating prominent secondary sitings in store, according to results from Heinz's Football Fever competition. Retailers who fail to capitalise on this type of opportunity are missing out on sales of almost £300 per customer per

The lucky winner of the top prize, Mr Amit Jobanputra, from Gainsborough, was presented with two tickets and a VIP package to the World Cup final in Germany, worth £12,000. Amit won first prize for his fantastic displays, which helped to increase sales of Heinz Tomato Ketchup and Heinz Salad Cream in his store by 14% and 24% respectively.

Football Fever

Launched in March, Football Fever aimed to drive profits for retailers by harnessing impulse sales.

Heinz backed the display competition with £35,000 worth of prizes for those independent retailers with the best displays of Heinz sauces in store.

Heinz invested £250K to merchandise display units in 4,500 stores.

Retailers had a one in ten chance of winning with over 450 prizes up for grabs.

Amit, who owns Caddys Cabin in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, commented: "Grocery products have traditionally not been the fastest sellers in store so I welcomed the chance to boost sales. I put the main promotional display at the front of the shop so it had immediate impact and the products flew off the shelves – I had to keep re-ordering so I didnąt run out of stock. I am extremely impressed and the display will now become a permanent fixture. Winning tickets to the World Cup final has come as a real shock. I'm taking my cousin and we can't wait!"

"Football Fever clearly demonstrates Heinz's commitment to supporting convenience stores," comments Stuart Burns, Customer Marketing Manager, Heinz Convenience & Impulse Team. "We know 25% of grocery shoppers buy grocery products on impulse (source HIM, CTP 2005) and Amit's sales uplift shows just how profitable impulsive grocery products can be for retailers who create prominent secondary sitings featuring Heinząs top selling products."

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